Using a combination of Web, Desktop and Mobile applications, we provid turnkey and tailor-made solutions in the following areas:
A transparent entrance exam system or aptitude test used to advise the recruitment of candidates applying
for jobs or admission in public and private institutions.
This system can serve ten thousand (10,000) candidates at a time, and test can be taken from anywhere in
the world.We provide customized Learning Management System (LMS) platforms that allow educators and learners interact, learn, share course materials, conduct assessments and recieve assignments online.
A well informed Revenue Management System tailored for Metropolitan, Municipal & District
Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana and any Local Government Entity that generate funds internally for
development. The system handles all core operations from billing to payment and includes a customer self-service
platform and a mobile application.
We provide customized Revenue Management System (RMS) for managing tuition fees and any other form of fee (moneies) collected by the institution.
Other Services
We provide Web Hosting, Website Development and Software of any kind.
We also handle physical services such as Networking Design, Installation and Configuration, CCTV
Installation, Maintainace and Support.